Wednesday, June 25, 2008

and the record beings with a song of rebellion

Life is bitchin. I have a hard time thinking of a better way to describe it. For a while I was stressing about a lot of stuff, but now. I'm chill.

There are awesome things in my imminent future. Shows, friends(family), and brand new adventures. I'm bouncing off the walls on the inside. My job rules. I love everyone I work with, and everyday I enjoy working there more and more (the pay is nice too, thanks).

Warped tour is two weeks away, which, holy shit. This time last year I was in a different place and had (some) different people surrounding me. My friends now (&then) are beautiful, I love their souls and their heads and everything about them. I don't need this really. I have people I could talk to about this stuff, but it's nice to look back and remember where I was at a certain time. (BACK TO WARPED) I'm so stoked (3 dates, jesus christ what is WRONG with me).

3OH!3, AM!, TAI, TA, CS (lol what finally), ETID MOTHERFUCKER, FYS (8D), GCH, JM :), KP (8D8D8D8D8D8D8D8D), SA, SYG, Shwayze, SOTY! I guess the three dates a necessary?

This post has nothing to do with rebellion, and everything to do with me being happy.

Expectations- Belle & Sebastian