Friday, April 4, 2008

Early Sunsets Over Monroeville- My Chemical Romance

Wednesday! Went to Sarah's and DID NOT make the shirts we have been needing to make for the last few weeks. But we did swim! And we did get Jamba, do you all understand how much I love Jamba Juice? Oh sweet baby jesus, it's a LOT. We went to Target (THEY HAVE SOME AWESOME BATHING SUITS OH GOD), and we looked at all the cute clothes/dresses/tranny messes. Sarah put on a vest, BECAUSE SHE THINKS SHE IS CHRISTIAN SIRIANO. Then we had veggie burgers at home. :)

Thursday! IDEK WHAT I WAS THINKING WAKING UP AT 5 AND HANGING OUT AT JAMBA FOR 3 HOURS. I did gets lotsa smoothie though, so I think it was well worth it. Then we left and went back home where we did idk what. We had FRENCH TOAST AND I SANG AND SARAH SCREAMED AND IT WAS FULL OF LOL. I also rolled around on the floor with one of her couch cushions. Sarah has broken her computer, so we had to use her laptop for interneting. Then we went to Gainesville, and went to american apparel which has obviously made me a superior person in todays society. Then we had mellow mushroom, and they have the *best* hoagies EVER. Well, not as good as subway, w/e w/e. They were good. Then we drove around for hour doing IDEK what, SARAH WHAT WERE WE DOING?!?!?!!?!!!!! On the way home Sarah decided we were going to PULL OVER on the side of the road and TAKE PICTURES. IDG artistic impulses, but we did it! And they are really nice pictures. They will be share whenever Sarah UNBREAKS her computer. When I came home I took a really great bath and realized, holy SHIT i'm exhausted. I then proceeded to sleep.

Friday! I had to go get records from the ortho place. They took pictures of my teeth and MOLDS. MOLDS SUCK BALLS. When I get my braces it's going to suck, my life is going to END. I HAVE TO STOP BITING MY NAILS. WHAT?! ARE YOU JOKING????? I ALSO HAVE TO STOP EATING SWEDISH FISH AND TWIZZILERS. Life as I know it will end April 28th.

I have listened to every My Chemical Romance album back to back, well I've done it before, but now it's documented! I started in reverse (oops).

Here is a picture to discuss. LOOK. I would DO VERY BAD THINGS to go back in time and be at this show. I BET YOU MONEY MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE HAD FANBOYS. No, not fans who are boys. FANBOYS, fanboys like Rise Against, Every Time I Die, and Muse have. Fanboys are my favorite people on this PLANET. 8D

Ted Turner said that if Global Warming continues, crops will stop growing, and everyone who hasn't died off will be cannibals. WOW. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWW.
If you put 2 80-story high rises on EVERY ACRE of Jacksonville (Duval County), then the world's population (6.5 Billion), could live in them.

If the latter statistic is wrong in any way, tell me. I fail at math. The two things really have no relation to each other, but both amuse me endlessly.

The Zookeeper's Boy- Mew

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