Saturday, May 17, 2008

Wrecked 'Em? Damn Near Killed 'Em

I bring you the emo:

My grandma went into the hospital around the middle of April. Everyone was worried, and she was released a few days later to go home and rest. About two weeks after that she went BACK to the hospital for the same problem as before, they decided to do surgery this time. She left the hospital last Thursday or Friday, and seemed to be doing fine, albeit tired, but fine. My mom left Saturday to go help her around the house, and make sure her and my grandpa are getting along okay. My mom's been gone for a week, and will now probably be gone another week, because she just called me and told me that grandma was in an ambulance heading to the hospital. About three years ago my grandma got breast cancer, and ended up getting rid of it. I'm more scared for her now than I ever was then.

You guys, my grandma is my favorite person on this planet. And yeah, okay, I seriously say that about 50 times a day. But, honestly, and truly. She is my FAVORITE person ever, she raised me just as much as my parents did. If i'm upset I can ALWAYS ALWAYS call her, and she ALWAYS makes me feel better. She's one of the sweetest and most genuine people I'll ever meet in my life. If something happens to her, I have no idea what I'll do.

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