Sunday, October 19, 2008

hero of war

I saw All Time Low on Thursday. I, Amber Kelly, do not like All Time Low. Mostly I went because Sarah was like >:[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ about it. And because I wanted to see The Maine again. Well, I went, and ONLY because it was a girl show there was line drama. I hate females sometimes, I swear to god.

Every Avenue- Good. Nothing spectacular, but they are entertaining, and they don't have synths.
The Maine- I just love them
Mayday Parade- The biggest disappointment I've had in a LONG time. I've heard about this band and how great they are/their live show is for the last 2 and 1/2 years. It was TERRIBLE. I LOVE their music, but that was the worst set I've seen from anyone in ages. It sucks so bad, because now I can't listen to some really good songs without thinking about how bad the band is.
All Time Low- Still not my favorites, or anywhere close. I can't tell you how many times Sarah told me I would like them better if I saw their live show, and she was right. I do like them better, and I can probably listen to the words now, and not get mad. Met all of them, and they are all super nice.

We left to go to Jack's Mannequin at 5. Figured out the tickets were still at the house, and had to turn around. I fell asleep the way home and all the way there. Go me! We were first in line, and I didn't care how long we had to wait we got to be exactly where we wanted to be. Andrew McMahon makes me believe in good. There is nothing else to say about him. Anything he touches could very possibly turn to gold.

I need to sleep now. Work in the AM.

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