Went to Senses Fail on Sunday. SO SWEET. I left work, and seriously got to Fuel like 5 minutes before doors. I sorta felt like an asshole? W/E. There was this fucking box thing under the stage, and idek wtf they have that there for, but my legs were pressed ALL UP ON IT. Foxy is awesome, I liked the music before, and having FINALLY seen a live show. I've pretty much made up my mind. The Number 12 Looks Like You, saw them in 2005 with From First to Last! They're still pretty much the same, diiiggg it. Dance Gavin Dance was actually pretty boring, maybe it's more interesting if you know the words?
Senses Fail- I had NO idea they had this many fans in Jacksonville. It was sick! I saw maybe HALF a song at Warped in 05 and that's an extremely hazy memory, like realllly hazy. Kids were losing their MINDS. Last song they played was Can't Be Saved, and that's my favorite song AFTER everything that is on Let It Enfold You. So he's singing the last chorus to the kids like right next to me, and I'm like wthhheelllllllll, so I crawl on the box and get to the microphone myself. Next day, bruises from hell on my lges, but they're gone now, so it's alllll goooddd.

Tuesday I turned in my first of 3 papers for Humanities, it TOTALLY sucked. I feel like shit for turning that garbage in. UGH. On a more positive note, I got a 100 on my last test. So I have, I THINK an 89 average in that class. So that's AWESOME.
Tomorrow is ATL, Mayday, The Maine, and Every Avenue. The only band I really like out of any of these is The Maine, and that's ONLY because they like GC. I listen to all the other bands, but i'm very, uh, whatever about them.
Friday is Jack's Mannequin. SO STOKED.