Today was my dad's birthday.
This sat for another thirty minutes while I read Calvin and Hobbes comics. They are my favorite thing. Although, it makes me kinda of sad Hobbes IS just a stuffed animal. Of course, it could be something like ~he's real if you want him to be~, or something else entirely too abstract for me to comprehend. I'm intelligent, but I can't "read between the lines."
Every time I go back to Lee my (favorite) english teacher always goes "hello college person!" and throws his ridiculous arm in the air.
This blog is completely pointless. Non sequitur. This is how my brains works. Just moving from one point to the next. I need to brush my teeth. I don't want to go back to school tomorrow.
I wish I had a story to tell right now, but the only thing that has happened of late has been me going to see Bayside, and it was excellent, but I'm tired of writing show reviews. The fact that I have nothing to write about backs up the fact that I am boring. Some times I have a crush on one of my best friends, but only sometimes (somedays, some hours, some encounters, some minutes). Do you understand?
LOL Sarah, do I sound more like Beckett or Pete Wentz now? I think it's a combination of the two. Also, I read your Rise Against/Tokio Hotel blog. YES, that makes me happy!
Sarah and I want to go to Chicago for the last (UGH) 2*Sweet show. It is December the 20th. My mom says no, and I say: "Why don't you want me to see snow? Why? >:|"
Next show is Copeland? Maybe? I haven't even asked, but now I feel like all I care about is Lydia, which is weird. Blanca must of told me about them a million times, and I listened, and I never GOT it. But now that I listen to the CD a lot. I think I understand, and I NEEEEEED to see them live. Plus Lights (not to mention Copeland and Lovedrug), I mean REALLLLY? This last paragraph has more life in it than the rest of the blog does.
Don't you say that I've gone crazy. Cause I haven't gone crazy, yet. I just lost my mind, but I still got you.