After the show we found April and Melissa, and we waited for Tim. April was on a mission (and so was Sarah). First Zack came out, and let me tell you. That man is a freaking MOTER MOUTH. He must have word vomit 24/7, and I'm also happy he knows he looks like an alien. Then MATT FREAKIN SKIBA came out, and he had this ridiculous jacket on, but April had seen him before, and she goes that's Matt. Me: O_O *watches him walk far away). I didn't want to scream "MATT!" when he's a good 30 feet away from me. LUCKILY there was a girl close to him and she goes "Matt, can I get a picture?" and then all 25 of the kids waiting run over to him, because....MATT SKIBA YOU GUYS. He is awesome. He was really nice to everyone, and he told us they would be back next spring/summer (oh my god). He also took notice of Sarah's Chicago Fire Dept. shirt, and proceeded to tell everyone that he was going to, quote, "Go to firefighter school, but instead I started a rock band called Alkaline Trio. So right now I could be putting out a fire, or playing for you guys." And everyone told him we preferred the latter. Vik and Sarah met this man in 05 when Alkaline went out with My Chem. Sarah was downright determined to get him to sign the picture of him and Vik. So Sarah's mom runs to the car, then runs back, all the while we make April keep him talking. So She gets back with the picture and vik asks him to sign it. The conversation went a little like this:
Sarah/Vik: It's from Chicago in 2005. (? right? that's what happened? idk. I can't remember the first part.)
Him: Is this Warped?
Vik: No, it's from the my chem tour.
Him: I REMEMBER YOU! YOU'RE A LADY NOW! (seriously, greatest thing i have EVER heard.) How old were you?!
Vik: 12
Him: How old are you now (cause obv Skiba can't add 3 to 12. that's okay.)
Vik: 15, almost 16.
Him: sayssomemorestuffabouthowawesomethatis
It was epppicccc. Then he left saying "GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU!"
About 5-10 minutes later Tim came out. HOMYGAWD. April was having a PANIC ATTACK. She has 'give it all' tattooed on her foot, and yeah, panic attack. She got a picture with him, then she says something about looking at her foot. She lifts her foot, he CROUCHES DOWN AND HOLDS HER FOOT. April is dying. "Does it say 'give it all'? That's awesome." So yeah, then it's my turn, he shakes my hand "Hi, I'm Tim." REALLY? REALLY??????? I shake his hand and introduce myself. It was all very nice really. My picture is adorable, I won't hear anything different.

So, then we went back to the hotel. Ate Taco Bell. Slept. Woke up, got to looking ridiculous. And left for House of Blues. Did I tell you when we got to HOB on Thursday for Rise there was a girl waiting for Tokio Hotel? Well there was. Her name was Caitlin, and she was from Seattle. So yeah. She's in the front of the line, and I don't want to get to in depth about this. There were RIDICULOUS people there. RIDICULOUS. I can't express that ANY more clearly. At 10:30 I went over to Virgin to pick me and Sarah up the TH cd so we could get a wristband for the signing. I had been in there the day before, so I knew where the CDs were, but there were girls in there running around like chickens with no heads SCREAMING. "WHERE ARE THEY? WHERE ARE THE CDs?!!!!" It was ridiculous. I walked right where they were, there was a man standing there with a stack in his hand, I said "I need 2." he handed me 2 and I went to the register. The girls in front of me and behind me were going on and on about how happy they were, they were SHAKING. SHAKING from finding a CD to get a WRISTBAND. Again, RIDICULOUS. At one me, Sarah, and Vik went and got in the line that had already wrapped halfway around the building. Ended up getting in the building around 3? or 3:30. We all sat and waited. At 5 they started playing the CD, and kids started singing/screaming. At 5:25 they arrived, trust me, I know this is the exact time they got there. I was proud of them for being punctual. There were two big rooms, the one we were in was filled with Spanish music, and the room we were moved into where the band was filled with classical music. I was pretty calm the whole time, until we actually got in the same room, and I saw Bill. WHO DOESN'T EVEN LOOK REAL. I started shaking. So I had to calm down, BREATHE. The actual signing only took about 10 seconds for all three of us to get through.
So we got back in line and there is this clusterfuck in front of us. I'm not to upset. If we got in and couldn't get barricade we were going to go up to the balcony. All Sarah kept saying was "small like a snake." totally fucking cheesy, but it's good motivation! There was this line of "VIPS" that were waiting on the opposite side of the chains, and everyone is kind of like "~who are they? what are they dooooing?" They let them in and I see this older lady run to security, then next thing I know our line is MOVING, and I just book it, and squish through. I ran down to the end of the checks and, idek HOW this happened, but there was a line with just one girl in it, and she was getting done being checked. I stalled, and Sarah PUSHES me (thank god) into that line. Lady checks me sends me through. I fast-walked my happy butt up those stairs and into that venue. I wanted to be on Tom's side, and lo and behold his side is basically completely empty. I ran to my spot and stretched out to make room for Sarah. She came in about 10 seconds after me. I don't know if we have ever been SO stoked to have a spot on a barricade.
The time between getting and waiting was crazy. 2 and half hours, and girls were getting pulled out and passing out left and right. It actually was pretty stupid. I have never seen something so ridiculous. They did give us tons of water though! Show was good. Tokio Hotel is not bad live. And that's all I have to say. I still love Bill, I found out I would happily have sex with Tom (because JESUS he is some kind of sexy), and I have found a new deep deep love for Gustav and Georg.
This is so long. Oh my God.
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