and I don't mean for the win.
I started to post a few days ago, and I just couldn't, so I tried to add more to that post yesterday, and I couldn't. But now I'm in a pretty bad mood, so I deleted that post and now I've decided to write a whiny post about me failing at fucking life and all that shit.
I failed my freakin math class. I BARELY had a high enough GPA to stay in the program, and I really don't like that. REALLLLLLY don't. So I have to re-take Intermediate Algebra, this is my last chance. When I finish the spring semester, I have to take college algebra over the summer, so lame. :(, but the courses will be over before all the warped tour fun begins. Next semester, I am swearing to myself to do better, I HAVE to do better.
To top all that off. My heart hurts. I haven't had a for realz srs bizniz crush on someone in ages. Infatuations? Yes, I have had those (plenty!). But actually being close to someone and realizing they're everything I want is another thing. It's not that I don't think I don't have a chance, I guess I do, eventually I will. What sucks, is I feel like I let my chance slip away months ago because of one stupid comment. FUCK. I'm tired of being there for people and boosting them up, just to get stuck. Really, I don't hate helping my friends out, that I don't mind, but I do mind when I kinda have ulterior motives behind it, and it ends up backfiring.
As outspoken as I am, I still can't tell someone that I really really really like them, and I think they're perfect.
The only good thing about the last month really has been FOB, I don't have the good vibes right now to re-tell how AWESOME the show was, but Sarah's blog pretty much sums it up.
Oh, and I love Folie a Deux.